Company Management – the board of directors – (ENGLISH) Specially adapted courses
Company Management - the board of directors - Online course (live-ENGLISH). Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act.

Type kurs:
3 timer
* 3 hours one - to- one course, and specially adapted courses. When booking, the course instructor will contact you directly, and arrange a course date.
English version of our main courses / educational programs for board members, designed, developed and delivered by:
The Norwegian Association of Board Members / Den norske forening for styremedlemmer - We have been delivering courses to over 63 000 executives and board members since 1997.
Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act – mainly based on the Act`s Chapter 6 regarding the company management: The role of the board of directors and the general manager / general managers.
3 hours - Teams / Zoom - Live courses with with one of our higly competent board consultants.
Interactive assignment / group assignment is included in the course.
This is how all our 3 hour online courses work:
When ordering: You will receive confirmation of course place when ordering. Link to the course: Day before the course date (11:00 AM), you will receive a link to the course which is delivered via Teams - alternatively - via zoom. If, contrary to expectations, you have not received the course link by email 1 hour before the start of the course - you should check out your spam box - alternatively contact us at: / Telephone: 22 99 77 00 to have the link resent.
Link to Dropbox or OneDrive folder with course materials and help files: All our courses have included a separate file folder with materials and academic material. There is no material you need to familiarize yourself with before the course starts. You will receive a link to the course's file folder together with the course link.
Course day: Log on to the webinar or online course by using the received link to participate in the course. The course instructor reviews course material, foils and other relevant material.
NB! The course is not included as an optional special or basic course in the authorization program for board members.
* 3 hours one - to- one course, and specially adapted courses. When booking, the course instructor will contact you directly, and arrange a course date.
English version of our main courses / educational programs for board members, designed, developed and delivered by:
The Norwegian Association of Board Members / Den norske forening for styremedlemmer - We have been delivering courses to over 63 000 executives and board members since 1997.
Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act – mainly based on the Act`s Chapter 6 regarding the company management: The role of the board of directors and the general manager / general managers.
3 hours - Teams / Zoom - Live courses with with one of our higly competent board consultants.
Interactive assignment / group assignment is included in the course.
This is how all our 3 hour online courses work:
When ordering: You will receive confirmation of course place when ordering. Link to the course: Day before the course date (11:00 AM), you will receive a link to the course which is delivered via Teams - alternatively - via zoom. If, contrary to expectations, you have not received the course link by email 1 hour before the start of the course - you should check out your spam box - alternatively contact us at: / Telephone: 22 99 77 00 to have the link resent.
Link to Dropbox or OneDrive folder with course materials and help files: All our courses have included a separate file folder with materials and academic material. There is no material you need to familiarize yourself with before the course starts. You will receive a link to the course's file folder together with the course link.
Course day: Log on to the webinar or online course by using the received link to participate in the course. The course instructor reviews course material, foils and other relevant material.
NB! The course is not included as an optional special or basic course in the authorization program for board members.
Mappen inneholder kursmateriell, aktuelle artikler, sjekklister, dokumentmaler med mer. Dette er materiell som brukes under kurset, i tillegg til en del faglig stoff du kan arbeide med, og lese deg opp på når det passer best for deg. Tilleggsmateriellet danner grunnlaget for utvidet, og frivillig selvstudium. (anslått tid: 2 timer selvstudium) Du trenger ikke å sette deg inn i kursmateriellet før kursstart, med mindre annet er beskrevet i selve kursbeskrivelsen.
Startdato: | Sluttdato | Frist | Sted | Tidspunkt | Instruktør | Ledige plasser |